Pranava Veda - The powerful " AUM "
Till date many of us frequently chant the phrase "Four Vedas", but Vedas are 5 in number. Where did we go wrong then ? The answer to this question is clear by the phrase "Four Vedas on Paper". Yes! you probably understood the difference, four are in written form and the fifth one is a vocal composition. The powerful mantra "AUM".
||||||||||----AUM -----||||||||||
Much powerful historical background is suggested
The Pranava Veda is a text that elucidates the process of energy (Brahmam) turning itself into matter (the material world). In this text, pure energy or consciousness goes through a process that can be observed as a mathematical order. That process can be emulated by humans through applying that mathematical order to dance, music, poetry, architecture and sculpture thus creating arts that vibrate in a way that causes the viewer, listener, inhabitant to vibrate with the Divine qualities that the art form does. This Pranava Veda was recognized by Brahmarishi Mayan about 10,000 years ago. One know copy exists today and it is in the hands of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati of Chennai, TN, India, which is being translated to Tamil and English. A translation project is being sponsored by The America University of Mayonic Science and Technology under the guidance of Dr. V. Ganapati Sthapati.
Many people believe that Pranava refers to the sound AUM. In fact, pranava comes from the roots Pirazh + Nava = Pranava. Turn/Flip or turn into Nine; Pranava means the transformation of 8 into 9. Brahmarishi Mayan says in the Pranava Veda that consciousness multiplies itself into 8 units or pulses (units of Time) of OM light and OM sound. One unit of TIME has 2 aspects, OM LIGHT and OM SOUND. OM LIGHT divides itself into 8 light atoms that become the raw material for all visual forms. OM SOUND divides itself into 8 sound atoms that become the raw material for all aural forms.
"Yettin pirazhve navamenavagi " - Maamuni Mayan The flipping or turning of 8 is nine.
This combination of 8 units of Light and Sound form the 'Three Gunas' which then form the five elements or 'Pancha Bhutas'.
The entire process unfolds a mathematical order which can be emulated for the upliftment of humanity.
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